Nervous Jitters

Tomorrow at 7a I am running the Rock ‘n Roll Virginia Beach. And I’m nervous. This isn’t my first distance race. I’ve done several half marathons but for some reason I’m still nervous. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that this is a training run for me. I’m running the RnR Savannah Marathon in November and signed up for this race as a way to gauge how my training was going two months out. Tomorrow’s will let me know if I’m right on track with my training or if I need to get my butt in gear.

But I think the nervous jitters are a good thing. One of the reasons I’m nervous is because I want to PR. My best time for a half marathon is 1:58. I’m hoping to at least get under 2 hrs tomorrow and hopefully beat this time. I think a lot of my anxiety and nervousness is because I am putting so much pressure on my self to meet a certain time. It’s great to have goals but I run because I love it and because it’s great to get to meet new people and travel to different places for races. And collecting medals is pretty fun too :).

So for now, I’m going to get the whole making a PR idea out of my mind and instead focus on relaxing, running a good race, and just having fun.
